søndag den 25. oktober 2009

Sunday thoughts

It is incredible how time differs according to the content that you give it.
During this first week I think I speak for both of us when I say that we have seen and experienced a lot. Today when we were driving with our colleague and friend Miki back from San Francisco after we had eaten at a Shanghainese restaurant I had a weird flashback to my stay in Shanghai, China. In San Francisco they have quite a big china town, and sitting there eating food that tasted exactly the same as it did when it was best in Shanghai, was very confusing and uplifting at the same time.

Miki is basically the reason why René and I are here. We met her in Shanghai at an art-exhibition she was setting up, and now all of a sudden we are sitting in San Francisco eating shanghainese food and combining the two very different worlds that China and the United States are.

On my way over here I read this quote by Einstein in Johannes Møllehave's recent collection of all his articles. It said: (translated from danish) "any idea that isn't absurd from the beginning doesn't have a future." Travelling to San Francisco is in many ways an absurd idea, considering that we did not know much about what we would get ourselves into, but for some reason, sitting there in that restaurant talking about Shanghai the absurd began to make sense.

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