tirsdag den 27. oktober 2009


We've had a very interesting day today, so we wanted everyone that reads our blog to hear about it.

The first picture is from a meeting that we had together with Mitch and Kristyn.
By the way Mitch is our partner in crime. He is the person that we are working together with on the different assignments. He has been a part of the creation of the VOICES project that we are now a part of, and he has on the very short amount of time that we have been here, helped us a lot - and given all the support that we needed to get started working in a new culture. The meeting that you see here, is about the creation of a donor campaign, that we will be a part of executing before going home in december. On this picture we have just brainstormed on different ideas on how to get people to become donors - we are confident that we will create one of the best donor campaigns ever.

This picture is from an other meeting we had this afternoon. Here Mitch and Steve are discussing how the three of us (Mitch, Rene and I) will design and execute a process of moving the entire VOICES organization into a new building. A very exiting project as well, that we are looking forward to facilitate.

This picture shows of a presentation at the McPherson school, about a leadership program that On the Move has initiated.

To round off the day we attended a lecture on community development, in the town hall auditorium.

All in all a very good day, and we are beginning to feel that we have some good assignments where we will be able to make an impact during the time that we are here.

1 kommentar:

  1. Cool...

    I've always wanted to do a blood donors campain:

    "Want to loose half a kilo in half an hour?
    Donate blood!"

    ...but i'm not sure the icelandic blood bank would find it ethical...
